The area of a circle is 220cm2 . Find the area of square inscribed in it !

Area of triangle = pi r2

 220 = 22/7 x r2

r2 = 70

r = root70

diameter = 2 root70

Now in square =

diameter2 = side2 + side2  ( using pythagoras)

[ 2 root70 ] 2 = 2side2

280 /2 = side2

side = root140

Hence area of square =  (root140)2   = 140 cm2

Pls verify !!

  • 5

u r ryt !! answer my previous question ........................m not getting !!

  • -1

The diagonal of the square is the diameter for the circle. so, find the diameter using area given. Then, take the diagnal and the two sides of the square. They form a right angled triangle.  using pythagoras theorm find its side. Then side square gives u the answer.

  • 2

@   jainhardik  correctly answered the question.
@   Akansha_v  correctly answered the question.
Good effort!
Your answers are really helpful to all the users of this community.
Keep writing!!!

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