the diagnals of a rhombus meaasure 16cm and 30cm.find its perimeter

Given ABCD is a rhombus with diagonal AC = 30cm and BD = 16cm.

we know that diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angle.

Now In ΔAOB, right angle at O.

Apply pythagorus theorem

(AB)2 = (OA)2 + (OB)2

(AB)2 = (15)2 + (8)2

(AB)2 = 225 + 64

(AB)2 = 289

AB = 17 cm

Now all sides of rhombus are equal

∴AB = BC = CD = DA = 17 cm.

Perimeter of rhombus ABCD = 4 × side

= 4 × AB

= 4 × 17

= 68 cm

  • 4


Here is a rohmbus,



As we know diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angle.

In triangle tri.AOD,it is right angled at O we have

AO square+ OD2 =ADsquare (by pythagorus property).

8 square+ 15 square=AD square

64+225=AD Square

ADSquare=289 Square


So one side=17 cm

Thus perimeter=4 X SIDE

  =4 X 17

  =68 cm

  • 1
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