The E values at 298 corresponding to the following two reduction electrode processes are i) Cu+/Cu = +0.52V ii) Cu2+/Cu = 0.16 V Formulate the galvanic cell for their combination. what will be the cell potential? Calculate the del r G for the cell reaction.(E=96500 C/mol)

Dear Student,

Since anode electrode has less value of E°(reduction), so the galvanic cell obtained by the combination of anode and cathode will be :Cu+/Cu2+  Cu+/Cu(s)Since E°(reduction) value, +0.52>+0.16 V, so we haveCu+ + e-  Cu      E°=+0.52 V     (cathode)Cu2+ + e-  Cu+  E°= +0.16 V     (anode) Substracting the above two, 2Cu+  Cu + Cu2+     E°=0.52-0.16=0.36 VSince the reaction os a one electron change, n=1G°=-nFE°         =-1×96500×0.36         =-34540 J         =-34.74 kJ

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