The emf of the cell Zn|Zn2+(0.1 M)||Cd2+(M1)|Cd has been found to be 0.3305 V at 298 K. 

Calculate the value of M1, given Eo (zn2+/Zn)= -0.76 V, E o(Cd2+/Cd)= -0.40 V.

Dear student!

We have, E0cell =  E0(zn2+/Zn) -  E0(Cd+2/Cd) = 0.76-0.40 = 0.36V

Further  E =0.3305, Here, C2 = M1 and  C1 = 0.1M 

We know that, 

E= E0cell - 0.0591/n log [C2 ]/ [C1

Here, no. of electrons involved (n)= 2

So, putting all the values we get , 0.3305 = 0.36 - 0.0591/2 log [M1]/ [0.1]

or, 0.0295 = 0.0591/2 log [M1]/ [0.1]

or,  0.0295 = 0.0295 log [M1]/ [0.1]

or  log [M1]- log[0.1] = 1

or,  log [M1] = 1 + log[0.1] = 1-1 =0

So, [M1] = antilog 0 = 1

Hence, concentration of M1= 1M 

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