The four walls and the floor of the swimming pool are to be painted @Rs.12per meter sqaure. If the length of the pool is 16cm and the breadth is 10 and depth is 4cm find the cost of the painting

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Length of the swimming pool = 16 m
Breadth of the swimming pool = 10 m
Depth of the swimming pool = 4 m

Area of four walls = 2h(l + b)
= 2 x 4(16 + 10)
= 8(26)
=  208m2.

Area of the base = length x breadth
= 16 x 10
= 160 m2.

Total area of cementing = 208+160= 368 m2.

Cost of painting = Rs 12 per sq m
Total cost of cementing = 368 x 12 = Rs 4416.
  • 4
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