The length of the sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3:4::5 and its perimeter is 144 cm. Find the area of the triagnle and the height corresponding to the longest side.

Given, the length of sides of the triangle is the ratio 3 : 4 : 5.

and perimeter = 144cm

⇒ 3x + 4x + 5x =144

⇒ 12x =144

x =12cm

∴ shortest side = 3x = 3 ×12 = 36cm

side of medium length = 4x = 4 × 12 = 48cm

longest side = 5x = 5 ×12 = 60cm

Again s = semi-perimeter of Δ = = 72cm

Using, heron's formula, area of Δ

Equating (1) and (2), we get

Hence, the height of triangle corresponding to longest side is 28.8 cm.

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