The odds in favour of A winning a game against B is 4:3. If three games to be played to decide the overall winner, the odds in favour of A winning at least once is ________.

Answer :

Given  :  The odds in favour of A winning a game against B is 4 : 3 

Probability of winning A =  44 + 3 = 47 
Probability of not winning A =  1 - 47 = 7 - 47 = 37
Probability of winning at least one game by A  =  1  -  Probability of winning no game

Probability of winning at least one game by A  =  1  -  373 =   1 - 27343 = 343 - 27343 = 316343
Odds in favour of A winning at least once  =  316 :  343                                                                                       ( Ans )

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