The songs the Mundas sang bemoaned their Misery
Alas! under [the drudgery of] forced labour
Blood trickles from my shoulders
Day and night the emissary from the zamindars,
Annoys and irritates me, day and night I groan
Alas! This is my condition
I do not have a home, where shall I get happiness

This poem depicts the grievances of the Mundas. What were they?
 What was aim of this movement?

Dear Student
Please find below the solution to the asked query:       
Grievances of the Mundas
1. One of the prominent revolts of nineteenth century tribal rebellions in the Indian subcontinent was the Munda Rebellion. This rebellion was led by Birsa Munda in the south of Ranchi in the year 1899. Traditionally, the Mundas enjoyed a preferential rent rate known as the khuntkattidar, which meant the original clearer of the forest.
2.  However, in course of time, the Mundas realized that this system of khuntkattidar is being corroded by the jagirdars and thikadars who came as moneylenders and as traders.
3.  This kind of land alienation started before the advent of the Britishers. However, after the establishment of the British rule, the movement into the tribal regions by the non-tribals increased. This, in turn, led to increase in the practice of forced labour or beth began.
4. The corrupt contractors have indeed turned the region into a recruiting ground for bonded labour.
Aim of the tribal movement
1. Birsa Munda was born in 1874. He was the son of a sharecropper. He received some education from the missionaries. In the year 1893-1994, and he involved himself in a movement, which aimed to prevent the government from taking over the village wastelands.
2. In the year 1895, Birsa claimed to possess miraculous healing powers and declared himself as the prophet. Many people came to hear the new words from Birsa. Birsa criticized the traditional tribal customs, beliefs, and practices.
3.  The Munda rebellion was essentially a revival movement that aimed to eliminate all the foreign elements from the Munda society in order to make it retain its original pure character.
The main objective of the movement was to claim the rights of the Mundas and make them the real proprietors of the land. According to Birsa, such an ideal agrarian system would be possible only if they are free from the European officials and missionaries, which later on can contribute to the establishment of the Munda Raj.

​​Hope this information will clear your doubts about this topic
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  • 1
the grievances of the mundas - the burden which was loaded by the zamindars, forced labour on the munda peasants. 

their movement target was the british police, revenue officials and zamindars who were exploiting the peasants.
  • 2
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