Three coins are tossed simultaneously 350 times. The distribution of various outcomes is listed below.

(i) Three tails :55 (ii) Two tails : 95 (iii) One tail : 120 (iv) No tails : 80

Fin the respective probability of each even and check that the sum of all probabilities is 1.

P(3 tails)=favourable outcomeTotal outcome=55350=1170P(2 tails)=favourable outcomeTotal outcome=95350=1970P(1 tail)=favourable outcomeTotal outcome=120350=1235P(0 tail)=favourable outcomeTotal outcome=80350=835Now,P(3 tails)+P(2 tails)+P(1 tail)+P(0 tail)=1170+1970+1235+835=11+19+24+1670=7070=1

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