Total number of animals in five villages are as follows:

Village A : 80 Villages B : 120

Village C : 90 Village D : 40

Village E : 60

Prepare a pictograph of these animals using one symbol ⊗ to represent 10 animals and answer the following questions:

(a) How many symbols represent animals of village E?

(b) Which village has the maximum number of animals?

(c) Which village has more animals: village A or village C?

The pictograph for the given data can be drawn as follows.


Number of animals − 10 animals

Village A

Village B

Village C

Village D

Village E

(a) 6 symbols will represent animals of village E as there were 60 animals in this village.

(b) Village B has the maximum number of animals i.e., 120.

(c) Village A and C have 80 and 90 animals in it. Clearly, Village C has more animals.

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