Transition metal fluorides are ionic in nature whereas bromides and chlorides are usually covalent in nature.Why.

Dear Student,

According to Fajan's rule, greater the size of anion greater is its polarizibility and so greater is the covalent character. On going down a group, size of atom increases. So, F has smaller size than Cl and Br. Hence, F tends to form ionic compounds with transition metals whereas Cl and Br forms covalent compound.

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Transition metal fluorides are ionic in nature due to the difference in their electronegativities. Florine is the most electronegative element, thus high difference in the electronegativity call their ionic bonding. While in case of chlorides and bromides, the electronegativity is not much high, so they have covalent bonds or nature
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difference in electronegativities
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Becoz the difference between electronegativity transition metal and fluorine is high whereas difference between electronegativity transition metal and bromine is less so it id covalent in nature.
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