triangle ABC is right angled at A and AL _|_ BC . Prove that <BAL= <ACB

Solution :

We form our diagram from given information , As :

Now from angle sum property of triangle we get in ABC

BAC  +  ACB + ABC  =  180°

90° + ACB + ABC  =  180°                                    (  Given ABC right angled at A )

ACB + ABC  =  90° 

ACB   =  90° - ABC                                                     ------ ( 1 )


ALB  +  BAL + ABL  =  180°

90° + BAL + ABC  =  180°                                    (  Given AL BC  and ABL = ABC (  Same angles ) )

BAL + ABC  =  90° 

BAL   =  90° - ABC                                                     ------ ( 2 )
Now, using  Euclid's axiom, things which are equal to same thing are equal to one another,
From equation (1)and (2) we get

BAL = ACB                                                                 ( Hence proved )

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