two cross roads , each of width 5m , run at right angles through the centre of a rectangular park of 70m and breadth 45m and parallel to its sides. find the area of roads ; also find the cost of constructing the roads at the rate of Rs . 105 per square m. please answer me fast.

The figure below shows two cross roads JKLM and PQRS inside a rectangular park ABCD;

Length of rectangular park; AB = 70 m
And breadth of park; AD = 45 m
Width of road = PQ = JK = 5 m
And PS = AB = 70 m and JM = AD = 45 m
Area of road PQRS = PS×PQ = 70×5 = 350 m2
And area of road JKLM = JM×JK = 45×5 = 225 m2
area of common region WVUT = 5×5 = 25 m2
So total area of cross roads = 350 m2+225 m2-25 m2 = 550 m2
Now cost of constructing the roads per metre square = Rs.105
Therefore total cost of constructing the road = 550×105 = Rs.57750

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