Two electrons are 1m apart show that the force between them is 2.304*10-5N.

Dear student,

from coloumb's lawF=14πε0q1q2r2(where q1 =q2 =1.6×10-19 C (for electron), r=1 m (given) and for free space 14πε0=9×109  N.m2/ C2)F=9×109×1.6×10-19×1.6×10-19(1)2=23.04×10-29 N=2.304×10-28 N
This is the force acting between two electron when they are 1m apart. we have considered electrostatic force only, as gravitational force acting between these two is very small, and can be take as negligible.

Though the answer is a bit different, but we request you to check the question, as the force can not be as large as 2.304 x10-5N, where the two electrons are 1m apart.


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