wat is subsidiary alliance and doctrine of lapse

 A subsidiary alliance is an alliance between a dominant nation and a nation that it dominates and the Doctrine of Lapse was an annexation policy purportedly devised (see below about Kittur) by Lord Dalhousie, who was the Governor General for the British in India between 1848 and 1856.

Hope it helps U....!!!

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subsidiary alliance- in the subsidiary alliance the britsh  forced the indian rulers  to sign an agreement according to which the indian rulers had to maintain the british army troops in his territory and in return th british promised to give them security . if the rulers failed to pay the amt for maintainance of the troops ,a  part of his territory was taken away .

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doctrine of lapse -  lord dalhousie  devised this system . according to it , if an indian ruler did not have a natural hier  ( real son or daughter )  his or her territory would be taken away. adopting a child would not be excepted .

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Ans:  Subsidiary Alliance was a policy followed by the british empire in India wich enabled them to conquer many parts of the country. According to the terms of this agreement, no indian king was allowed to have an independent army. His  army was to be protected by the East India co. But the maintainance of the army was to be borne by the king. if the king failed to pay for the forces a part of his kingdom would become a property of the East India co.

Doctrine of lapse was a policy introduced by Lord Dalhousie. Accordin to the terms of this policy if a king dies without a male heir of the same blood then his kingdom would 'lapse' i.e. become a part of the British empire.

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 According to subsidiary alliance the rulers were not allowed to have their independence armed forces rather they were protected by the company (britishers). Also they have to pay subsidiary forces if they failed to pay, their half of territories were taken as penalty.

According  to Doctrine of Laps the rulers were not allowed to adopt child. It was introduced by Lord Dalhousie. Ex. Case of Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi.

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According to the term of subsidiary alliance Indian rulers were not allowed to have their own independent armed forces. They were to be protected by the company but had to pay for the subsidiary forces that the company was supposed to maintain for the purpose of the protection. If Indian rulers was failed to make the payment then the part of their territory was taken away as penalty. For example, when Richard Wellesley was the governor general (1798-1805), the nawab of the awadh was forced to give over half of his territory to the company in 1801, as he failed to pay forces for the subsidiary forces, Hyderabad was also forced to cede territory on similar grounds.

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wrong spelling

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The doctrine of Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by Marquess Wellesley, Governor General of India from 19798 to 1805. The purpose was to gain control over large tracts of India without carrying out direct wars.

The Indian rulers accepting Subsidiary Alliance had to disband his army, keep British forces within his territory and pay for their maintenance. He was also forced to keep a British official called Resident at his court and expel all non-English foreigners from his state. Besides, the ruler had to surrender control of all foreign affairs to the British and agree to abide by the decisions of the EEIC. In return, the Company promised to protect such rulers from external and internal dangers.

The Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to accept the terms of Subsidiary Alliance in 1798. The Nawab of Awadh accepted it in 1801 and ceded the British about half of his territories. Peshwa Baji Rao II accepted the Subsidiary Alliance as one of the terms of Treaty of Bassein in 1802.

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"Subsidiary alliance was introduced by Lord Richard Weltsely. According to this term of alliance, Indian rulers were not allowed to have their independent armed forces. They were to be protected by the campany, but had to pay fir ' subsidiary alliance' that the company was supposed to maintain for the purpose of the protection."
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Doctrine of Lapse wwas introduced by Lord Dalhousie. According to this, the kingdom would be passed to tge company if the local ruler died without any male natural hier.
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Subsidiary system was a system in which an Indian ruler had to maintain britsh troops either by giving some of his territories or by paying the maintainace of the troops.
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Doctrine of lapse: if a ruler did not have a child, it was an accepted practise to adopt one. But british failed to recognise such adoptations. If a ruler died without a natural heir, the state could not pass the child was annexed by british territory
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