what are chromosomes and what are there functions

Chromosomes are thread like structure made up of DNA and proteins. They are present inside the nucleus. Genes are located on the chromosomes in the form of linear array. Genes are responsible for the passage of characters from the parents to the offspring (inheritance). Genes also control the function important for life processes in the cells these functions are known as metabolic functions. As genes are located on the chromosomes, it can be said that chromosomes control inheritance and metabolism .

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Chromosomes Are The Thread Like Structures Found In The Nucleus Of The Cell.

They Contain Genes Which Are Responsible For Transmission Of Heredity Information From Parents To The Offsprings

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 Nucleus contain fibrous material known as chromatin.Chromatin forms long thread like structure called chromosomes.They contain gens.It contains instructions that control the cell metabolismand hereditary.

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they are thread like structures present in nucleus which helps us to determine the baby whether it is girl or boy.

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Chromosomes are thread like structure forming a network within the nucleus. Chromosomes are generally paired like structures. Each member of a pair is called chromatid. Chromosomes carry the characters from parents to their children. Thus, they help in the inheritance of characters. Chromosomes also control the life functions taking place inside the cell. Each chromosomes is a combination of many genes on it.

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chromosomes are thread like structures which are present in the nucleus of the cell.it helps us to determine the characters of baby.

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nucleus contains thread like structures called chromosomes.these carry genes andhelp in inheritance or transfer ofcharacters of parents to the offsprings.

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choromosomes r found in d cell they have genes which helps in inheritance of  charachterdstics of parents 2 thier offsprings

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chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genesregulatory elements and othernucleotide sequences. Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions. Chromosomal DNA encodes most or all of an organism's genetic information; some species also contain plasmids or other extrachromosomal genetic elements.

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