What are demonstrative adjectives ?

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Here is an explanation of both which would make the difference between both of them clear:

  • Possessive Adjectives: The adjective which modifies the noun by attributing possession or characteristic feature to it is called a possessive adjective. This adjective shows who owns or possesses something. Instances of the same are: - my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

  • Demonstrative Adjectives: A demonstrative adjective is used to specify a particular instance or set of instances of a noun. The four demonstrative adjectives in the English language are this, that, these and those, and are placed before the noun being demonstrated.

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Demonstrative Adjectives: A demonstrative adjective is used to specify a particular instance or set of instances of a noun. The four demonstrative adjectives in the English language are this, that, these and those, and are placed before the noun being demonstrated.

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Demonstrativeadjectives(this, that, these, those) show whether thenounthey refer to issingularorpluraland whether it is located near to or far from the speaker or writer.

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Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those) show whether the noun they refer to is singular or plural and whether it is located near to or far from the speaker or writer.

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