what are hypogynous perigynous and epigynous flowers.


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what are hypogynous,perigynous and epigynous flowers

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what are hypogynous,perigynous and epigynous flowers.

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hypogenous flower occupies the highest position while the other parts are situated below it

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  • perigynous flower askgklfgfd hlghjj hgk dfjijkfggjofih8igfh8j jsgfohijfdhghj
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    • "Discussion on the Draft Constitution / Constitutional Debates" Nov 1949.
    • If we wish to maintain democracy not merely in form, but also in fact, what must we do ?
    • The first thing in my judgement we must do is to hold fast to constitutional methods of achieving our social and economic objectives.
    • It means we must abandon the bloody methods of revolution. It means that we must abandon the method of civil disobedience, non-cooperation and satyagraha. When there was no way left for constitutional methods for achieving economic and social objectives, there was a great deal of justification for unconstitutional methods. But where constitutional methods are open, there can be no justification for these unconstitutional methods.
    • These methods are nothing but the Grammar of Anarchy and the sooner they are abandoned, the better for us.
    • -The Honourable Dr. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR
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Hypogynous :- when petals,sepals and stamens are situated below the ovary, then the flower is called hypogynous and in this condition ovary will be superior. e.g. mustard,china rose,brjnjal etc
Perigynous :- In it thalamus grows upwardly and form a cup shaped structure. On the margin of thalamus floral parts are attached except gynoecium which lies at the basal part. So in this condition gynoecium is situated below the floral parts. But ovary in this condition is said to be half inferior. E.g.rose,plum,peach etc
Epigynous :- when petals,sepals and stamens are situated above the ovary, then the ovary is said to be inferior and rest of the floral parts superior. E.g.guava,apple,cucumber and the rayflorets of sunflower.
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Hypogynous, Perigynous and Epigynous Flowers | Plants Article Shared by M Manisha


Hypogyny Flowers:

1. Thalamus is convex or conical.

2. Androperianth is borne below the level of ovary.

3. Ovary is superior. Other parts are inferior.


4. Thalamus is not fused with the wall of ovary;

5. No part of the thalamus is expanded except for a central projection.

6. Whole of the pistil is visible from outside.

7. Constituents of androperianth develop separately and are well-spread.

Perigyny Flowers:

1. Thalamus is disc-shaped, cup -shaped or flask-shaped.

2. Androperianth is borne around or above the level of ovary.

3. Ovary is superior. Other parts are inferior.

4. Thalamus is free from ovary wall.


5. Periphery of the thalamus is expanded to form hypanthium.

6. Whole pistil may or may not be visible from outside.

7. Constituents of androperianth often develop from a common base.

 Epigyny Flowers:

1. Thalamus is usually flask shaped.


2. Androperianth is borne above the level of ovary.

3. Ovary is inferior while other parts are superior.

4. Thalamus is fused with the wall of ovary.

5. Thalamus is hollowed out.

6. Only style and stigma are visible from outside.

7. Constituents of androperianth develop jointly from the neck of hollowed out thalamus.

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in hypogynous flowers ovary occupies the highest position and all the floral whorls will be inferior to ovary where as in epigynous flowers occupies the inferior position that means it will be fused with thalamus and the remaining floral parts will be superior to ovary in perigynous flowers ovary occupies the medium position
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Hypogynous = in which ovary is superior and other parts of flower are inferior. Epigynous = in which ovary is inferior and all other parts or floral organs are syperior. Perigynous = in which ovary is situated in the center and all other parts of flower are located at the rim of thalamus or torus.
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In hypogynous ovary is superior , in perigynous ovary is half inferior and , in epigynous ovary is inferior.
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In the Hypogynous flower gynoecium occupy highest position .means ovary is superior , If gynoecium is situated in centre then ovary is half inferior , in epigynous ovary gets fused called inferior
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Hypogynous are flowers in which ovary is superior for example brinjal tomato etc. Perigynous are flowers in which ovary is in the middle
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Hypogynous flower is flower in which ovary is located at top position and rest flower are lower in position than ovary. Ovary is superior
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When the all floral whorls like calyx, corolla and androecium are arise from posterior side of ovary called Hypogynous Flower. When all floral whorls like calyx, corolla and androecium are arise from lateral side of ovary called Perigynous Flower. When the all floral whorls like calyx, corolla and androecium arise from anterior side of ovary called Epigynous Flower
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In hypogynous flower the gynocium occupies the highest position and the other parts are situated below it .The ovary in such flowers is said to be superior.e.g . Mustard, China rose and brinjal.
In epigynous flowers,the margin of the thalamus grows upwards enclosing the ovary completely and getting fused with it ,the other parts of flower arise above the ovary .Hence, the ovary is said to be inferior ,e.g .Guava , cucumber and ray florets of sunflower
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Thalamus & Ovary at same level
Ovary:-Half inferior
In this case the thalamous encloses the ovary
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Those flowers having their ovary superior i.e.calyx, corolla,are found below the ovary is known as hypogynous flowers.
Those flowers having their ovary inferior, i.e. calyx, corolla are found above the ovary is known as epigynous flowers.
Those flowers whose ovary is neither superior nor inferior, i.e. ovary is found in cup shaped like structure made by thalamus is known as perigynous flowers.
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capital is part of flower
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