What are Inner and Outer Orbital Complexes??

  • Inner-orbital or low-spin or spin-paired complexes: Complexes that use inner d-orbitals in hybridisation; for example, [Co(NH3)6]3+. The hybridisation scheme is shown in the following diagram.

  • Outer-orbital or high-spin or spin-free complexes: Complexes that use outer d-orbitals in hybridisation; for example, [CoF6]3−. The hybridisation scheme is shown in the following diagram.

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how to decide a compound is inner or outter orbital compound....... if the ligands are same say NH3 in alll cases
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if the electron enter the eg group then it will be outer orbital complex and we can calculate it by forming a cft
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Inner orbital complexes are complex which have less no. Of electrons or if they are low spin complex.
Outer orbital coplexes are the complexex having more no. Of unpaired electron.
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The orbital which uses inner orbital rather than outer as for example...uses d orbital of (n-1) orbital in place of d orbital of nth then tht is inner orbital complex
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An inner orbital complex is the one in which the central metal atom is attached to strong field ligands like NH3+ or CN- which pushes the outermost electrons into 3d subshll thus pairing up the unpaired electronsand the hybridisation will be d2sp3 hybridisation. While outer orbital complexes are the complexes which are attached to weak field ligands like Cl- etc and the outermost electrons are are pushed to 4d orbital
thus forming a sp3d2 hybridisation of the resultant complex
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d2sp3 hybridization is a inner orbital complex and sp3d2 is outer orbital complex
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Suppose if the central metal atom has n number of shells. then if the electrons enter the (n-1)th d orbital, then they are known as inner d complexes and the one which enter the nth d orbital, are called uter d complexes.
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Those compounds in which inner (n-1)d subshell and outer (n+1)d shubshell takes place in complex formatio. ,are known as inner or outer orbital comples

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If the ligands are same say NH3 than we see no. Of 3d orbitals which are half filled .
As ammonia is a strong field agent than it will bound all the unpaired electrons into paired electrons hence empty orbitls will be formed in which NH3 releases its electrons hence it will act as a inner orbita complex

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If the hybridization of the complex is d2sp3 it is inner orbital complex and if the hybridization is sp3d2 then it will be outer orbital complex.
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i would give u trick to remember first of u shold know the strong field and weak field ligands and then follw this order "LIS"-S Means strong field ligand means L-low spin ,I means inner orbital."HOW"W-means weak field ligand .H-high spin.O-outer orbital complexe
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Explain the difference between inner orbital complex and outer orbital complex
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the complex which are found in presence of weak field ligand are called outer orbital complex
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The complex which are are found in presence of strong field ligand are called inner orbital Complex and the complex which are found in presence of weak field ligand are called outer orbital complex.
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1. The ligands (having less electronegetivity) which have the tendency to push away the orbital electrons of the central metal ion    towards the inner orbitals, and go for hybridisation with these newly vacant orbitals, are able to   form  'Inner' orbital complexes.

​2. These ligands then are called 'Strong Field Ligands'.

​3. They form low spin complexes.

​4. Examples- CN- , CO, NH3

​​1. Similarly, ligands (having greater electronegetivty) which do not have the tendency to push away the electrons into inner orbitals due to electron withdrawing tendency form 'Outer' orbital complexes

​2. These are called ' Weak Field Ligands ' .

​3. They form 'High spin complexes'.

4. Examples- F- , Cl- , Br- , H2​O.

​Hope this helps you,
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If the hybridisation of the octahedral complex is d2sp3 it is inner orbital complex as the inner d orbitals of 3d are used. If the hybridisation is sp3d2 it is outer orbital complex as the outer d orbitals of 4d are used.
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Inner and outer orbital complexes basically refers to the difference in their preference to fill the D-Orbital.
The inner and outer orbital complexes are basically the other term used for high and low spin complexes.

Inner Orbital Complexes :-  These are the compounds that first of all prefers to fill the D-Orbital that is the ligands at first fills up the D-Orbital and then the s and p orbitals.
                                              The hybradization of such compounds therefore is d2sp3 (D-Orbital filled at first).
                                              They are known as low spin complexes.

Outer Orbital Complexes :-  These are the compounds that prefers to fill the D-Orbital at last (after s and p orbital) that is the ligands at first fills up the 's' and 'p' Orbital and then the                                                             D-Orbitals.
                                              The hybradization of such compounds therefore is sp3d2 (D-Orbital filled at last).
                                              They are known as high spin complexes.
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d2sp3 is inner complex....and sp3d2 is outer complex as outer complex has high spin this is studied on basis of VBT
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Strong ligand form inner complex while weak ligand form outer complex
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it is shown by the compounds having the coordination number 6

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simple inner compound are those in which inner d is participating but in outer complex outer d is participating ex in 3d and 4d 3d in inner and 4d is outer 
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Inner orbital complexes refers to those formed by strong field Ligand. Outer orbital complexes are formed by weak field Ligand.
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When (n-1)d is involved in hybridization then it is known as inner and when nd involves in hybridization it is known as outer orbital complex
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The answer is option B
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Inner orbital are low spin complexes whereas outer orbitals are high spin complexes

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I don't no
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The complexes formed, if have inner d orbitals are called low spin complexes or inner orbital complexes and if having outer d orbitals are called high spin or outer orbital complex. The inner d orbitals are diamagnetic or less paramagnetic in nature hence, they are called low spin complexes.
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Inner orbital complex have d2sp3 hybn while the latter have sp3d2
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Complexes in which inner d orbital is used in hybridisation is called inner orbital complexes and in which outer d orbital is used is called outer orbital complexes
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B) is the correct option
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If (n-1)d orbital involved in hybridization, then the complex formed is called in a complex and when nd orbital involved in the complex formed is called outer complex.
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if nd orbitals used then its outer orbital complex....while if (n-1)d orbitals are used then its k/a inner orbital complex
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The main difference between
Inner and outer orbital complexes is that the hybridisation of the atomic orbitals of the central metal atom of inner orbital complexes involves inner sell d orbital whereas the hybridisation of the atomic orbitals of the central metal atom of outer orbital complexes involves outermost sell d...
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d2sl3 hybridisation is inner orbital complexes and sp3d2 outer orbital complex
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Inner orbial are low spin complexes and outer orbital are high spin complexes
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What are inner and outer orbital complexes
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Inner orbital complexes:
When the (n-1)d orbitals participate in the bonding , this is usually formed by the octahedral complexes having strong field ligand.

Outer orbital complexes:
The (n-1)d orbitals does not participate in the bonding , occurs in octahedral complexes having weak field ligand.
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I didn't get the answer xplz give me also
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