What are the landforms and new discoveries found in the great rift valley??

Dear student,

The new discoveries and landforms in the freat rift valleys are-
  • There are many National parks that are found in rift valley( East Africa) famous for their iconic landforms as they are for their diversity and concentrations of flora and fauna. 
  • The newly formed Ngorongro- Lengai Geopark in northern Tanzania is the first geopark established in the region.
  • The most spectacular landforms have been shaped by the East African Rift System. Formation of the two major rifts in the region, the Albertine Rift and the Gregory rift, was accompanied, or in some cases preceded, by extensive alkaline volcanism. 
  • Plateau- style volcanic outpourings smoothed out the older land surfaces, created near-lunar landscapes in parts of the rift valleys, built up rift shoulders to tremendous elevations.

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