What are the major difference between a star and a planet

A star is a heavenly body that can emit it's own light. Whereas, a planet is just a heveanly body that cannot emit its own light.
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stars do not rotate whereas planets rotate and revolve
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Star is a cellestial body
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Star is a lump of dust particles and gasses which fuse together due to strong gravitational and pressure relising tremendous energy,heat and light. Where as a planet is just a small mass of dust particles which revolve around the star due to the strong gravitation pull of star.
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1.. Star is a celestial body that has its own light. [Sun]
1.. Planet is a celestial body that doesn't have its own light.

2.. Star doesn't support any life.
2.. Planet can support life. [Earth]

3.. Star's could end there life with white dwarf/neutron star/black hole. [Sun will become red giant after 4-5 billion years]
3.. Planet couldn't end their life with any of these.

4..Star are not classified as solid star.
4.. Planets are mainly classified as gas planets [Jupiter], solid planet [Earth].
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