What are the persons below poverty line called in India ?

The group of people below poverty line are known as poor. It can be broadly classified into following catagories :-

1) Chronic poor - These are the people who are more or less below poverty line. Eg. landless workers, casual workers. It can be subdivided into two :-

a) Always poor - This catagory includes the group of people who are always below poverty line i.e. not improving at all.

b) Usually poor - This included the people who are often below poverty line.

2) Transient poor - This included the people who either float on poverty line or are just above the poverty line. Eg. Seasonal workers It can be subdivided into :-

a) Churning poor - These are the people who regularly move in and out of the poverty line.

b) Occasionally poor - These are the people who are mostly above poverty line but sometimes they have a patch of bad luck.

3) Non poor - These are the people who are free from poverty i.e. they are far away from the poverty line like doctors, engineers etc.

Hope it helps!!!

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