what dilemma did andrew face when the chid was born?

Post an hour's long and harsh struggle, the child that Andrew had helped to deliver was born lifeless. As he gazed down at the still form, Andrew shivered to think how he had failed to keep his promise of delivering the baby safely. He hesitated, he was torn between the desire to attempt to resuscitate the child and his obligation towards saving the mother who was in a desperate state after the birth of her child. The question at hand was whom to save, the stillborn baby or the mother whose heart was still beating.

  • 65

dilema was whether he should try something to save the already dead child or should he save te mother who is fighting for breath

  • 11

dilema was whether he should try something to save the already dead child or should he save te mother who is fighting for breath

  • 3

dilema was whether he should try something to save the already dead child or should he save te mother who is fighting for breath

  • -10

dilema was whether he should try something to save the already dead child or should he save te mother who is fighting for breath

  • -7

dilema was whether he should try something to save the already dead child or should he save te mother who is fighting for breath

  • -3
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