What do you mean by development?

Growth or progress in any existing thing or human with no decrease in financial state can be termed as development.

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Development is a process by which there is an improvement in per capita income of the people and their standard of living rises.....

In other words, there is increase in the income along with reduction in poverty, disease, illiteracy and inequality

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Development refers to the progress made in managing an area's natural and human resources in order to create wealth and improve the quality of life people are living in that area, according to their aspirations.

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Development means an increase in the real Per capita Income over a long period of time.Today,The great importance has been given to sustainable Development instead of economic development in the Wrold in which Envirnmental Concept is taken under consideration. India is also going under this process

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development never ends. it means leading a simple life... our goal ,aspirations , dreams are development for us as an individual.


A Poor man may think earning money ,

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It pertains to the growth of an individual, a society, a nation or the entire world.Development involves thinking about the betterment of life and working towards progress.

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the world development has different meaning for different people. but for all, development means more income and for higher income they need regular work, better wages and reasonable and fair prices for their products

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 development means the growth of an indivisual, society, a nation, or entire world in terms of both economic i.e job security, income n allowances supported by a job e.t.c n non economic i.e friendshi love e.t.c

development means infant mortality rate n life expentancy also.

hope it helps

thumzz up plzzz

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the growth of a person by culturally and economically in a society

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DEVELOPMENT - the positive growth or change in political and economical aspects of the country
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Development is a complex task. Development involves thinking about our requirements, our progress task , and our unity
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the process of developing or being developed is called development
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Development is the positive growth taking place in our society Which can be economically , socially and politically seen This process is termed as resources I hope it helps you...!!😄😄
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development means the growth of an individual , society, a nation, or entire world in terms of both economic and non economic activities
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Development refers to the progress made in managing an area's natural and human resources in order to create wealth and improve the quality of life people are living in that area, according to their aspirations.Development can take place only through a democratic political process. Hope this pleases you 😙
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Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.
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economic developmet : it refers to improvemet of welfare to the people. when a country's people is said to be having economic development then it means that the people are becomig litterate, the per capita income is increasing, they skills and abilities are increasing, their becoming an asset to the country, it also includes the reduction of infant moratilty rate, death rate, birth rate and increase in life expectancy rate, health, welafare for the people, it also includes that all the people are able to have full access to all public properties, and reduction in poverty.
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Development is the process that ensures good quality life to all the people in terms of happiness,harmony and satisfaction of essential needs.It is related to improvement,aspirations and progress of people
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the idea of pogressing with aspirations and desires is
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Development is a process in which someone or something changes or grows and become more advanced. Development is the formation of something. 
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growth of the economy along with improvement in the quality of the life of the people like health , education etc is called development
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development of a country refers to the development of a country and its people
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