What happens if India does not exist?

Dear student,

As your question is quite hypothetical, so I will try to keep this answer as relevant as possible. If India did not exist then-
  • There would be no Himalayas. These are the mountains that are more than 7000 metres of height and are the tallest in the whole world.
  • There would have been delay in the discovery of America. We know that Columbus took voyage to find India, a spice treasure of world at the time. If India did not exist that Columbus would have never taken such a strong, peril voyage crossing Atlantic ocean. And America which was discovered then would have taken some more time to show the presence to the outside world.
  • If India did not exist then the idea of democracy would never came into minds of other countries and there would be no buzz about democracy around the world at the time.
  • India, which is an inventor of principle of non- violence if did not exist then this concept would have become just myths.

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