What is dehydration and how can it overcome ???

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. With dehydration, more water is moving out of our cells and bodies than what we take in through drinking.

We lose water every day in the form of water vapour in the breath we exhale and in our excreted sweat, urine, and stool. Along with the water, small amounts of salts are also lost.

When we lose too much water, our bodies may become out of balance or dehydrated. Severe dehydration can lead to death.

Treatment in the emergency department focuses first on restoring blood volume and then body fluids, while determining the cause of the dehydration.

If your core body temperature is greater than 104 °F, doctors will cool the entire body. They may promote cooling by evaporation with mists and fans or cooling blankets and baths.

we can overcome it by drinking lots of water
hope it helps
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