What is linguistic chauvinism? Analyse the order from Berlin in this light. How do you justify? M.Hamel?s views about French and the new-found love of the people towards their? language?

Dear Student.

Linguistic chauvinism is the belief or idea that one's language is superior to others. 
The order from Berlin stated that only German was to be taught to students in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. M Hamel expounded upon the French language as the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest, most logical language and one ought to guard it amongst them and never forget it. He observed that when people were enslaved, they hold fast to their language as if it was the key to their prison, it inculcates in them a sense of pride. Then he opened the grammar and read them a lesson which was so lucid and clear in his teaching. He wanted to give them all that he knew so that it stayed with them in times of political enslavement.  

We hope that this answer solves your query.

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