what is meant by heterosporous plants?

Homosporous pteridophytes: produce only one type of spore that contains both male and female parts. The resulting gametophyte is monoecious that is both antheridia and archegonia are present on the same plant Eg: Lycopodium, Equisetum 

Homosporous pteridophytes: produce only one type of spore that contains both male and female parts. The resulting gametophyte is monoecious that is both antheridia and archegonia are present on the same plant Eg: Lycopodium, Equisetum 

Hope it helps... :)
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During evolution of plants certain ferns and their close relatives developed two types of spores. This is known as heterospory and the plants exhibiting this are known as heterosporous plants.
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are those which produce 2 types of spores that is megaspores (female) and microspores (male).
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