what is reflex action ?and 1 .give the location of adjuster neurone 2. mention the function of motor neurone 3.which affected does come into action when you put your hand on a hot pan?

Dear student,
Reflex Action:- It is an sudden movement or response to the stimulus which occurs in very short duration of time(within a second usually) and does not involve will or any thinking of brain is called reflex action. For e.g. If we touch hot plate we suddenly take our hand back. Here, taking hand back is reflex action.

2.Motor neurons transmit signals from the central nervous system to the effector cells. Motor neurons make things move or work. Motor neurons typically go from the CNS to the periphery of the body and control stimulus of the muscles and movement.

3. The effector muscles come into action when we suddenly touch a hot pan.

Kindly ask the other questions in a separate thread.


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