What is Schottky and Frenkel defects?

  • Frenkel defect

  • Shown by ionic solids containing large differences in the sizes of ions

  • Created when the smaller ion (usually cation) is dislocated from its normal site to an interstitial site

  • Creates a vacancy defect as well as an interstitial defect

  • Also known as dislocation defect

  • Ionic solids such as AgCl, AgBr, AgI and ZnS show this type of defect.

  • Schottky defect

  • Basically a vacancy defect shown by ionic solids

  • An equal number of cations and anions are missing to maintain electrical neutrality

  • Results in the decrease in the density of the substance

  • Significant number of Schottky defect is present in ionic solids. For example, in NaCl, there are approximately 106 Schottky pairs per cm3, at room temperature.

  • Shown by ionic substances containing similar-sized cations and anions; for example, NaCl, KCl CsCl, AgBr

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frenkel defecs are interstial defects. this defects are strochiometry defects and do not affect the density of the atom.

on the other hand schotty defect though is a stochiometry defect,affects the density of the atom..

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  • Frenkel defect

  • Shown by ionic solids containing large differences in the sizes of ions

  • Created when the smaller ion (usually cation) is dislocated from its normal site to an interstitial site

  • Creates a vacancy defect as well as an interstitial defect

  • Also known as dislocation defect

  • Ionic solids such as AgCl, AgBr, AgI and ZnS show this type of defect.

  • Schottky defect

  • Basically a vacancy defect shown by ionic solids

  • An equal number of cations and anions are missing to maintain electrical neutrality

  • Results in the decrease in the density of the substance

  • Significant number of Schottky defect is present in ionic solids. For example, in NaCl, there are approximately 106 Schottky pairs per cm3, at room temperature.

  • Shown by ionic substances containing similar-sized cations and anions; for example, NaCl, KCl CsCl, AgBr

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alkai metal halides only show schottky defect and no frenkel defect why?

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@samuel,for frenkel defect the size of constituents should be different while in MX M+ AND X- have equal size so...
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Be cause the size difference b/w anion and cation is considerable for such defect
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Schottky Defect :

It is a Vacancy Defect in Which No.of Cation and Anion Will Be Same, But The Defect Arises due To Cationic And Anionic Vacancy. Since The No.of Cation And Anion Decreases Due to Which Density of the Crystal Also Decreases!
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Schottky defect is the defect that arises in.an ionic crystal due to missing of equal number of cations and anions from.the crystal. FRENKEL DEFECT is the defect arises in an ionic crystal when an ion moves out from its normal latice site and enters an interstitial site.
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Schottky defect-it arises due to the missing of equal no.of Cations and Anions from their normal positions leaving nehind a pair of holes.This is seen in ionic compounds having high coordinatiib no. and ions of almost similar size,e.g-NaCl
Frenkel defect-It arises when an ion,usually cation leaves its normal site and occupies an interstitial site.This defect is usually observed in compiunds having low co-ordination no.e.g-AgCl
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If equal number of cations and anions are missing from their lattice sites the defect is known as schottky defect.

When some ions are missing from the lattice sitesand they occupy the intetstitial sites so that electrical neutrality as well as stoichioemetry is maintained it is called frenkal defect.
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in this deffect equal no. of anions and cations are missing from their lattice site.
in this defect one of the ion usually cation which is smaller in size leaves the orginal latice site and it occupies the intestetials
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this is the best answer through which we can know about Schottky defect and Frenkel defect

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Schottky defect is defect in which the constituent particles are missing from their normal lattice point and frenkle defects are those in which constituent particles occupies interstitial sites(comes in centre or voids) from their lattice point.
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In frenkel defect the smaller ion is dislocated from its original site to interstitial site . Density of crystal does not changes in this defect.
But in schottky defect equal number of cations and anions are missing from their lattice site . Density decreases in this defect.
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In schottky defect , equal number of Cation and anion are missing from their correct lattice point

In frenkel defect some of the ion are missing from their correct lattice point and occupied position in the interstetial.

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Frenkel deffect...

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IN Schottkey defect cation anion missing in from lattice side . Frenkel _ only cation missing from lattice side
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shotky defect::in this defect same no. of cation and anions are missing the crystal lattice. the massof the crystal decreses as well as density increse the co- ordination no of the crstal lattice
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1.Frenkel defect-This defect is shown by those ionic solids which there is a large difference in the size of ions e.g.ZnS,Agcl,AgBr. 2.Schottky defect-It is a stoiciometric defect in which equal number of anions and cations are missing from their lattice sites substances in which the cation and anion of almost similar size e.g.NaCl,KCl,CsCl shows this type of defect.
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In frankel defect , cation displaces from its normal lattic site to interstitial site whereas in Schotky defect cation and anion are mixing in equal number like one cation and one anion remove equally so they get mix in equal no.
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Schottky defect?occurs when oppositely charged atoms (cation and anion) leave their corresponding lattice sites and create a pair of Vacancy Defects. Since both cation and anion leave the lattice sites at the same time, so overall electrical neutrality of the crystal is maintained; however, density reduces because of the vacancies. Schottky defects occur in ionic crystals where the size of anion is almost same with the size of the cation.?
Frenkel Defect?is one type of point defect where an atom (better to say ion, especially cation) leaves its original lattice site and occupies an interstitial position on the same crystal. Usually, this type of defect is observed in ionic solids, where size of anion is substantially larger than the size of cation.?
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Schottky defect is when there is deficiency of anion and cation in equal numbers. Electric neutrality is maintained in this defects. And Frenkel defect is the combination of intestinal defect and vacancy defect. +Ve ions leaves is position and occupy intestinal position
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Schottky defect---- This type of defect arises when an atoms or ions are missing from their normal lattice site
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(a) Schottky Defect:?This defect is caused if some of the lattice points are unoccupied. The points which are unoccupied. The points which are unoccupied are called lattice vacancies. The number of missing positive and negative ions is the same in this case and the crystal remains neutral. The existence of two vacancies, one due to a missing?Na+?ion and the other due to a missing?Cl??ion in a crystal of?NaCl. It appears in ionic crystals in which positive and negative ions do not differ much in size.
Frenkel Defects:?This defect arise when an ion occupies an interstitial position between the lattice points. This defect occurs generally in ionic crystals in which the anion is much larger in size than the cation.
AgBr?is an example for this type of defect. One of the?Ag+?ion occupies a position in the interstitial space rather than its own appropriate site in the lattice.
The crystal remains neutral since the number of positive ions is the same as the number of negative ions.
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renkel defecs are interstial defects. this defects are strochiometry defects and do not affect the density of the atom.

on the other hand schotty defect though is a stochiometry defect,affects the density of the atom..

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Schottky defect was discovered by German scientist Schottky in 1930. If in an ionic crystal of the type A+ B-, equal no. of cations & anions are missing from then lattice sites so that the electrical neutrality is maintained, it is called schottky defect whereas frenkel defect was discovered by a Russian scientist, Frenkel in 1926. It is defined as that type of stoichiometric defect in which an ion is missed from its or a hole there & it occupies the interestitial site. As there is no complete missing of ion from the compound, the electrical neutrality as well as stoichiometry of the compound are maintained.
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Schotty - In this defect , the same no. Of cations and anions are missing from their lattice points
Frenkel - In this defect , an ion comes in interstitial site by displacement from its actually position
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Schootky defect - It is basically a vacancy defect in ionic solids. In order to maintain electrical neutrality, the number of missing cations and anions are equal.
Frenkel defect - This defect is shown by ionic solid. The smaller ion is dislocated from its normal site to an interstitial site. It creates a vacancy defect at its original site and an interstitial defect at its new location.
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The atoms in?solids?are held together by interatomic forces. The average location of the atoms in a lattice does not change with time. Since the atoms are almost lacking in mobility, their kinetic energy is negligibly small. It is this lack of mobility which makes a?solid rigid
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*Schottky defect?? A vacancy defect in an ionic solid. This defect decrease the density of solid. Example NaCl, kcl, AgBr

* Frenkel defect ?? This defect is also shown by ionic solid. The smaller ion dislocated from its normal site to interstitial site

*This defect is aloso known as dislocation defect

Ex Agcl, Zns ,AgI , AgBr

* Note* AgBr shows both frenkel and schottky defects......
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