what is science

Humans have always been curious about the world and happenings around them. the human mind observes, inquires, questions, reasons out to try to understand the world. The knowledge gained by the observations and experiments, when organized systematically, is known as Science. The scientific knowledge is constructed by:

  • Observation
  • Hypothesizes
  • Experimentation
  • Reasoning
  • Inference
  • Conclusion
  • Interlinks more than one conclusion - Concept
  • Interlinked concepts form a law
  • Laws combine to form a principle
  • The principles then explain the hypothesis.
  • If the Hypothesis is explained correctly by the principle, it becomes a theory
  • Otherwise the cycle starts again.

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 science- an endeavor dedicated to the gathering and classification of observable facts in order to form general laws about the natural world. The study of something often thought of as the study of nature and it's laws; the laws of the universe, the laws of gravity the study of living things (social,chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, and biology) 

The word has its roots in the Latin verb 'to know'. It is a systematic approach to gaining knowledge, solving certain problems based on observable events, and advancing technology of various kinds. Its proper domain in practice is the physical world and not the disciplines of philosophy or theology, although there is a philosophy of science that informs society on several levels. 

The study of something often thought of as the study of nature and it's laws; the laws of the universe, the laws of gravity the study of living things.

A scientific hypothesis is an educated guess about the nature of the universe, a scientific theory is a hypothesis which has been confirmed by repeated observation and measurement. Scientific theories are usually given mathematical form, and are always subject to refutation if future experiments contradict them. 
In the modern world, scientific research is a major activity in all developed nations, and scientists are expected to publish their discoveries in refereed journals, scientific periodicals where referees check the facts in an article before it is published. Even after publication, new scientific ideas are not generally accepted until the work has been replicated. 
Scientific literacy is the ability of the general population to understand the basic concepts related to science. 

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