what is streamlining ??

Streamlining is the process by which the designs of moving body are made in such a way that the resistance or friction due to fluid is reduced.

When objects move, the air around them generates a type of friction called air resistance, or drag, that slows them down. Fast-moving objects such as cars, trains, and aeroplanes are all streamlined – designed with curved and sloping surfaces to cut through the air and reduce drag. This helps them to move faster and use less fuel. Boats can be streamlined too, to reduce water resistance.

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Design or provide with a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water, increasing speed and ease of movement.

Make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods.

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A response to a prolonged recession and or compettitive global economy. To re-structure or downsize. Streamlining can be accomplished by transforming the organisations management structure (centralizing or de-centralizing for example), by restructuring their operations. Operational restructuring would primarily be concerned with the companies income.

Streamlining, in terms of forces and friction and so forth.

streamlining is the process of shaping an object for minimizing the air or water resistance.example: an airplane,a car,a boat, even a fish has pointed nose . that's streamlining.
and it does not drag but reduces the drag created by air on vehicles

Streamlining is the special way to shape objects so that it can move with less drag and resistance. the objects must have a smooth surface and must be round in the front and slowly curve to a point so to form a teardrop. This shape will allow the air and wind to go smoothly over the object, reducing friction.
Streamlining is the shaping of an object, such as an aircraft body or wing, to reduce the amount of drag or resistance to motion through a stream of air. A curved shape allows air to flow smoothly around it. A flat shape fights air flow and causes more drag or resistance. Streamlining reduces the amount of resistance and increases lift.
To produce less resistance, the front of the object should be well rounded and the body should gradually curve back from the midsection to a tapered rear section

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Streamlining is the special way to shape objects so that it can move with less drag and resistance. the objects must have a smooth surface and must be round in the front and slowly curve to a point so to form a teardrop. This shape will allow the air and wind to go smoothly over the object, reducing friction.
Streamlining is the shaping of an object, such as an aircraft body or wing, to reduce the amount of drag or resistance to motion through a stream of air. A curved shape allows air to flow smoothly around it. A flat shape fights air flow and causes more drag or resistance. Streamlining reduces the amount of resistance and increases lift.
To produce less resistance, the front of the object should be well rounded and the body should gradually curve back from the midsection to a tapered rear section.


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  1. Design or provide with a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water, increasing speed and ease of movement.
  2. Make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods.
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The contouring of a body to reduce its resistance to motion through a fluid. 

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Streamlines, streaklines and pathlines are field lines resulting from this vector field description of the flow. They differ only when the flow changes with time: that is, when the flow is not steady.[1] [2]

  • Streamlines are a family of curves that are instantaneously tangent to the velocity vector of the flow. These show the direction a fluid element will travel in at any point in time.
  • Streaklines are the locus of points of all the fluid particles that have passed continuously through a particular spatial point in the past. Dye steadily injected into the fluid at a fixed point extends along a streakline.
  • Pathlines are the trajectories that individual fluid particles follow. These can be thought of as a "recording" of the path a fluid element in the flow takes over a certain period. The direction the path takes will be determined by the streamlines of the fluid at each moment in time.
  • Timelines are the lines formed by a set of fluid particles that were marked at a previous instant in time, creating a line or a curve that is displaced in time as the particles move.

By definition, different streamlines at the same instant in a flow do not intersect, because a fluid particle cannot have two different velocities at the same point. Similarly, streaklines cannot intersect themselves or other streaklines, because two particles cannot be present at the same location at the same instant of time; unless the origin point of one of the streaklines also belongs to the streakline of the other origin point. However, pathlines are allowed to intersect themselves or other pathlines (except the starting and end points of the different pathlines, which need to be distinct).

Streamlines and timelines provide a snapshot of some flowfield characteristics, whereas streaklines and pathlines depend on the full time-history of the flow. However, often sequences of timelines (and streaklines) at different instants—being presented either in a single image or with a video stream—may be used to provide insight in the flow and its history.

If a line, curve or closed curve is used as start point for a continuous set of streamlines, the result is a stream surface. In the case of a closed curve in a steady flow, fluid that is inside a stream surface must remain forever within that same stream surface, because the streamlines are tangent to the flow velocity. A scalar function whose contour lines define the streamlines is known as the stream function.

Dye line may refer either to a streakline: dye released gradually from a fixed location during time; or it may refer to a timeline: a line of dye applied instantaneously at a certain moment in time, and observed at a later instant.

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streamlining is the process of making the shape of an object in such a manner that it can cut through air or water

streamlined shape is a shape of an object which is rounded in the front and thinner towards the back

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