What is the apparatus shown below .State it's purpose
State the use of
1.capillary tube
3.water reservoir
What happen to movement of air bubbles the apparatus is kept under the following conditions
1.in sunlight
2.in the dark
3.in front of a fan

What is the apparatus shown below .State it's purpose State the use of 1.capillary tube 2.scale 3.water reservoir What happen to movement of air bubbles the apparatus is kept under the following conditions 1.in sunlight 2.in the dark 3.in front of a fan The experiment set up shown 'n lhe atagram rep-csents a particular phenomenon in plants. (i) What to the level Of mercury in the TEST YOURSEL What is the apparatus shown called ? State its State tix use Of : I _ Capillary tube. 2. Scale. Water 3. Water reservoir. 2. th 2. IS CO remo to s

(a) = Ganong potometer.
To measure water up take during transpiration.

(b) 1 = It is done by lifting the bent capillary tube above the coloured water so that air may be sucked in due to suction pull and is again dipped into water.

2 = To measure water uptake during transpiration.

3 = It help in pushing back the bubble by releasing water to resart the experiment.
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Last answer (3)

1 The bubble will move faster due to rapid transpiration because of open stomata.

2 The bubble will move very slowly as transpiration will not occur due to closer of stomata and the rate of cuticular transpiration is very slow.

3 Bubble will move faster as transpiraton increase with the velocity of wind due to replacement.
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