What's is hunds rule of maximum multiplicity Explain with many example and how is it different from the other

Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity states that if two or more orbitals of same energy are available, electrons first fill the available orbitals singly and then proceeds to fill them in pairs.


Carbon: Its electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 and 2p2

In, p there are three orbitals of equal energies. So, the electrons will first fill them singly. So, two orbitals have one electron each instead of one orbital having 2 electrons.

Fluorine: Its electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 and 2p5

In, p there are three orbitals of equal energies. So, the electrons will first fill them singly. So, three orbitals get filled by one electron and then they are filled in pairs. So, two orbitals have paired electrons and one orbital has a singly filled orbital.

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