Which among the following is/are correct about chromium?
a)its electronic configuration is 3d​54s1
b)tot. spin of Cr. =3
c)spin multiplicity of 3-d -subshell ofCr
d) magntic moment of Cr = 481/2


The correct options are a, b and d

Explanation : a)  Electronic configuration of Cr is [Ar] 3d5 4s1

b) Total spin :  d-sub shell contains five orbitals each of them are occupied by a single electron having a half (1/2) spin and s orbital contain 1 electron. So total spin = ​5 (1/2) + 1 ​(1/2)

Total spin = 3

d) Magnetic moment = nn+2
n is number of unpaired electron.

n = 6 for chromium.

Magnetic moment of chromium is 48(1/2)​ 



  • 2
a and b are correct
  • -1
magnetic moment of chromium is 12^1/2. or root twelve.
  • 0
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