Which mirror is a convergent mirror? What type of image is formed by it? Can the
virtual image be screened or photographed?

A concave mirror that causes rays of light parallel to its axis to converge. Also known as positive mirror. 
It forms virtual images.virtual image cannot be screened.
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concave mirror
real and virtual both 

virtul image  can be photographed and can be screened using a mirror for which it gives real image

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Convex mirror is a convergent mirror .

 It forms virtual images in all cases except whe nthe object is placed between the focus & pole of the mirror , in that case it forms the real , enlarged image of the object .

Virtual images cant be screened or photographed.

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Convex Mirror is a convergent mirror .

It forms virtual images which cant be sreened or photographed except in the case when the object is placed between the focus & pole of the mirror , in that case it form the real image of the object . 

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