Which of the following gases requires the least temperature for liquefaction? And why?
a) ammonia b) helium c)hydrogen d)nitrogen

Dear Student 

Liquefaction of gases is the process by which substances in their gaseous state are converted to the liquid state.
When pressure on a gas is increased, its molecules comes close together and temperature is reduced, which removes enough energy to change it from the gaseous state to the liquid state.

Temperature required for liquefaction of
Ammonia - -33 degree Celsius 
Helium -  -268 degrees Celsius
Hydrogen - −252.87 degree Celsius
Nitrogen - -147 degree Celsius

Answer is (B). Helium requires least temperature for liquefaction. This is because of the weakness of the attractions between the helium atoms. The interatomic forces in helium are very weak because helium is a noble gas.


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