which type of reproduction occurs in lieshmania and plasmodium and why?

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multiple fission occurs in plasmodium
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In both asexual mode of reproduction
But Binary fission in lieshmania because it divides into 2 daughters.
and multiple fission in plasmodium because it divides in multiple daughter.

Diagram for binary fission in lieshmania
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Leishmania -: It reproduces by binary fission, but takes place in a definite orientation as it has whip like structure at its one end.
Plasmodium -: It reproduces by multiple fission in which it divides itself into many daughter cells simultaneously and inside its cell wall it contains many daughter cells having nucleus in each.
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Both are asexual mode of reproduction
But in leishmania, one parent divides into 2 daughters, this is binary fission: -

And in plasmodium, one parent divides into multiple daughters, this is multiple fission;-
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Binary fission because these unicellular organisms show somewhat more organisations of their bodies and this organism has a whip like structure at one end of the cells.In such organisms binari fission occurs in a definite orientation in relation to these structures.
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plasmodium divides into many daughter cells simultaneously by multiple fission
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i also asked WHY!
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