Why a human body floats easily in water of dead sea

Dear student,
We can easily float in a dead sea because dead sea has a salty water and thus the water of dead sea is much denser than that of normal water which makes people easy to float into it. And according to Archimedes Principle, the buoyant force on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that an object displaces. So, the more dense and amount of fluid one displaces the more the buoyant force will act on it which enables us to float easily.


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Hey plzzzbupvote my video plzzz i requsts dd
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bec in dead sea amount of salt present is more than any other water body and and sea animals are there in dead sea
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because in the lungs of the death body it contains carbon dioxide Air which float in the air so that body also clothes because of this science of reason it float on the sea
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sorry no sea animals r present there
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