Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punished his neighbour for the same act??

i'm asking second time please answer..

because  when the farmer blew the ashes  it fall  like flower petals,but when  his neighbour  did the same act  the  ashes  didnt  change  into petals &  by air  it fall in  the   nose  of  the  daimio.

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 The Daimio rewarded the farmer bcz he was a hardworking person and when he blew the ashes over the trees they bloomed but when the greedy couple try to do the same act as they were greedy the trees didnt bloom and instead the ashes went into the Damio and his wife's eyes. so the moral "never be greddy"

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The farmer had the magical ashes which on sprinkling on the cherry tree bloomed it . on seeing the blossomed tree the diamo beacme very happy and rewarded the farmer. on the other hand the neighbour did not have magic in the ashes so the tree did not bloomed when he threw ashes on the tree instead the wind blew the fine dust in the noses and eyes of the diamo and his wife . That is why his neighbours was punished for the same act
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