Why do female frogs lay eggs in large numbers?

look, actually wen d frog lays eggs many of d eggs are eaten by other anials or  are tranferred from one place to another by various natural factors.So, the frog lays many eggs so that atleast few of them mature.

(Its all the game of nature!)

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 they lay the eggs in large number as many of them get spoilt or are eaten by predators so just to increase the chances of survival many eggs r layed by them so that atleast few of them can be alive

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they lay the eggs in large number as many of them get spoilt or are eaten by predators so just to increase the chances of survival many eggs r layed by them so that atleast few of them can be alive

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so that some of them get the chance to get mature
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Frogs lay so many eggs because as they do not look after their young most do not survive to adulthood. From the three thousand eggs that one female lays, only around five will become adult frogs.
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They lay large number of eggs to increase their chance of fertilization
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Female frogs lay eggs in large numbers for the following reasons :-
1. Many of them get carried away with the flow.
2. some animals eat the eggs.
3. some are exposed to harsh conditions.
thus it is necessary to lay many eggs otherwise reproduction will not occur. 
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As in external fertilization eggs are released in the surrounding for getting fertilized there are high changes of destruction of eggs by natural processes or by predators. For this reason female frogs lay hundreds of eggs at a time.
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Because the eggs of frogs are not protected with a hard shell like that of a chickens egg and is covered with a jelly like substance.So to increase the no. of chances of fertilisation they lay Thousands of eggs together and then further fertilisation takes place when a male frog gives out his male gametes to produce offsprings.
Hope this Helps you
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Frogs lay eggs in water, and the eggs hatch into tadpoles that grow into frogs. ... In almost all frogs,egg fertilization happens outside the female's body instead of inside. The female releases her eggs and the male releases his sperm at the same time.
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It is because very small amount of tadpole will alive after mature of egg.
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Female Frogs lay eggs in large no.s because like the eggs of hen and ducks their eggs are not covered by a hard protective shell,they are simply covered by a jelly like structure.So their is a high chance of the most of the eggs to get damaged.
Hope This Helps You.
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so some of them may get fused with the sperm
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Because their eggs r very sensetive ....
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In frogs fertilization takes place outside the body(external fertilization) so a large number of eggs are released by them to improve the chance of fertilization. Also they can be destroyed by predators as they do not have any protection.
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In frogs fertilization takes place outside the body(external fertilization) so a large number of eggs are released by them to improve the chance of fertilization. Also they can be destroyed by predators as they do not have any protection.
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lesson number 1 living world and classification of microbes all answers
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laying large amounts of eggs at once is called spawning. Female frogs do because only some of the eggs get fertilised. The other eggs get destroyed of eaten.
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because most of the eggs are not fertilized
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