Why do fish & frogs lay eggs in hundreds but a hen lays only one egg at a time?

because frogs lay millions of egg in water and there is a very less survival of eggs of frogs whereas hen lay oly one or two eggs because there is a lot of survival of their eggs

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Frogs lay eggs before fertilisation occursFrog eggs can be eaten by marine animals. It can also be carried away by water so sperms cant fuse with it.

Hens lay eggs after fertilisation. So the survival of the chick is ensured. (unless humans plan to make omlette)

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Fish and Frogs lay hundreds of eggs and release million of sperms , all the eggs do not get fertilised and develop into new individuals. This is because the eggs and sperms get exposed to water movement , wind and rainfall. Also , there are other animals in the pond which may fee don eggs.Thus , production of large number of eggs and sperms is necessary to ensure fertilisation of at least a few of them.

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Fishes and frogs lay hundreds of eggs but they do not get fertilized properly because many are eaten by the large animals and even some flow away due to water movement. Whereas the eggs given by hens are less because it is not difficult for hen to take care of them and there are less chances of them to get destroy.

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Fish and Frogs lay hundreds of eggs and release million of sperms , all the eggs do not get fertilised and develop into new individuals. This is because the eggs and sperms get exposed to water movement , wind and rainfall. Also , there are other animals in the pond which may fee don eggs.Thus , production of large number of eggs and sperms is necessary to ensure fertilisation of at least a few of them.

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In frogs and fishes fertilisation takes place outside the body.Therefore they lay hundreds of eggs in water .They lay this much number because , most of them gets eaten by other organisms and only a very few undergoes fertilisation.But hen lays only one egg as it completely protected and hence fertilisation will take place.
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we can notice that frog Lay hundreds of eggs at a time while in other hand Hen lays only 1,2 eggs at a time, because the Fertilisation process in hen is taking place under body (internal Fertilisation) while in other hand The Fertilisation in frogs taking place outside the body (external Fertilisation) So, when hen lay a egg it can be survived for a lot of time, and when Frog lay hundreds of Egg, it can survive TOO long, so in this condition there may be grown 3,4 babies for frogs at a Time
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Its reasons are -
1) Many of the eggs and sperms are carried away by the movement of water and rainfall . Hence all eggs don't get fertilised.
2) Many of the eggs of the frogs and fishes are eaten up by other aquatic animals in water

3) M any larvae of frogs and fishes are eaten up by other animals in water and fail to develop into adult
             Therefore they lay hundreds of eggs at a time 

hope helpful!!!!

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Organisms having internal fertilization, like hen, produce one egg at a time. This is so because here there is less chance of failure of fusion between male and female gamete. After the gametes are fertilized there is just the need of development of animal in the form of egg. Frog like aquatic organisms who shows external mode of reproduction have to lay egg in hundred. The first reason behind this is the single egg is so small in size that it will not be possible to stay to definite position and which in turns make hard for sperm to found and fuse them. Whereas, when large number of eggs make them stick together this makes fertilization possible. Another reason behind this is there is a lot of organisms who feed on these eggs, so larger number of eggs gives more possibility of giving birth to young ones.
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