why do u think colonisation accompanied modernisation?what was its impact on the colonies?

Colonialism basically had the follwoing impact, which certainly is associated with modernisation:

a. British developed network of roads, railways.

b. They brought about city planning, encouraged public health and services.

c. Established a system of modern education, encouraged technical education, western learning. They also set up  Universities in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.

d. Established judicial services, Indian civil services, brought about administrative unity in the country.

e. Introduced ideas like rule of law, equality before law.

f. Helped in reforming  societal traditions and customs. For example they passed law against sati.

g. All this certainly impacted colonies, as it brought the people of the country together.

h. It also exposed them to ideas of liberty, equlaity, democracy and instilled a sense of nationalism among them.

i. It contributed in making people more progressive and modern in outlook and question the given.

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