Why is it easier to hammer a sharp nail into wood than a blunt one ?

@ruchi: The reason is pressure.

P = F/A

A blunt nail has more surface area than a sharp nail, so the pressure applied is less.

  • 10

The effect of force depends upon the area of contact of the two objects. Lesser the area of contact, more is the effect of force and vice-versa. This is why it is easier to hammer a sharp nail into wood than a blunt one as the area over which the force is applied is small, thus increasing the effect of force on it.

Hope it helps :)

  • 22

This is because of pressure. There is more pressure in a sharp nail, so it will be easier for it to be driven into the wood, but there is less pressure in a blunt nail as there is more surface area, which makes it harder to press in.They probably weigh the same, but the surface area makes a big difference. The smaller the surface area, the more pressue there is.

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