why is it necessary for a constitution to place limitations on the rulers? can there be a Constitution that gives no power at all to the citizens?

Dear Student,

It is necessary for a constitution to place limitations on the power of the rulers because

1. Without such restrictions, the rulers may turn dictatorial.
2. The fundamental rights of citizens will no longer be safe without such restrictions.
3. The rulers can commit widespread atrocities in society.

In theory, there can be a constitution that gives no powers to citizens. But in practice, such a constitution will be hard to find because such a constitution is not meaningful. There is no benefit from having such a consitution and no country will adopt such a constitution.


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It is necessary for a constitution to place limitation on the rulers because in the absence of limitations the government order a law which breaks the fundamental rights of the citizens.  

No , there cannot be a Constitution that gives no power at all to the citizens. Constitution restricts  the power of a government. The power of a government are restrained by giving fundamental rights to citizens. The government cannot break or violate the fundamental rights.

Hope This Helps You :)

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