Why one needs to be educated

You may be knowing your A’s and B’s and C’s, but are you educated or just literate? No rolling your eyeballs please, there is a difference. Literacy is knowing how to read and write. Education is to be able to reason, to use your ability to read and write to your benefit and to be able to gain your spectrum of knowledge by trying to surge deeper into the literate knowledge imparted to you.  We’ve had debates innumerable about why is it important for every country to increase the literacy rates of its citizens, but is merely doing that enough? No, we do not need just literate citizens, but educated ones too. We do not want to be a group of people who can read and write but make nothing out of it. Wondering what education makes of us? It makes us human, a robot can read and write to, but reason? Here are reasons why education is extremely important.
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Education is important because when we do degree we have to give one test and then we can start a career or become a government employe etc
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because if  we don't educated so, there is no success in our life.
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To get modernised and to get settled life and to get knowledge
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for progress
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In the past, education was largely about preparing people for jobs, and job preparation is still a major component of education. These days, many jobs require basic math and writing skills, and many require computer skills as well. Education prepares people for the job market of the 21st century.

Education also teaches people about the world they live in, which allows them to understand and appreciate their lives and their interactions with others. Knowing how the government works helps people make informed decisions, and learning history helps them interpret modern news events. A well-rounded education is key for intellectual enjoyment.

People can also learn about critical thinking skills while in school, which helps them make better decisions. Students learn about the scientific method, and this helps them learn how to avoid certain scams. It also teaches them how to interpret statistics and anecdotes. Critical thinking also plays a role in many jobs, and learning how to weigh various factors and make a judgment serves students well for their entire lives

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For a better and respectful life.
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it has a lot of advantages
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One needs to be educated for their bright future,also our dream.
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