Will the natural replenishment of soil take place even if decomposers are not there?

Dear Student,
No, in normal course of action, natural replenishment of will not take place in the absence of decomposers as the breakdown complex organic molecules bought to the soil by various sources will not take place. In absence of decomposers, this breakdown of complex molecules can take upto many years by rarely occuring physical phenomenons, and hence will result in the habitat loss and extinction of organisms.

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nope it wont
if decomposers are not present then the organic compounds from dead biotic compounds wont go back into their nutrient pool...
the environment will not be kept cleaned as decomposers are natures cleaners
if they are not present the life on earth will terminate after some time as the plants wont get nutrients ...
thus we need decomposers...
hope this help
# all the best
keep calm & write well
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No, the natural replenishment of soil wont take place without the presence of decomposers as they convert the dead and decaying matter  which is then used up by the plants to grow. Therefore, if there are no decomposers , the dead and decaying matter will be left as it is and even the plants wont get any nutrition from the soil.

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