​write a letter to editor about increasing theft in our localitywrite a letter to editor about increasing theft in our locality....pls this is my holiday homework and pls provide sample example like this question
thanking you like this question,,,,

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- I wish to utilise the columns of your esteemed daily to bring to the attention of the concerned authorities the problem of frequent thefts in our colony.
- I am a resident of PQR colony in South Delhi.
- For the past few months, there have a been a spate of robberies in our locality.
- Most of them are daring daylight thefts, either when the owner has been away for a short while or even when the owners are home.
- The thieves have targeted defenceless people like elders or women.
- It seems to be a well planned and informed gang of thieves that are operating in the area.
- The police has been unsuccessful in nabbing the thieves and retrieving the valuables.
- The police needs to increase patrolling in the area and launch an urgent hunt to nab the thieves.
- They can help organise a squad of residents who keep a lookout for suspicious characters.

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