write the correct form of the verbs in future tense to complete these sentences.
1. we --------- (visit) the wild life sanctuary next week.
2. if we go around noon , the animals ---------(doze) in the shade.
3.-----------we also ------------(see) the city aquarium that day ?
4.no,we --------(not be) able to do that.in fact ,i think we-----------(get) back to the city only after five that evening.
5.oh,how sad,to think that by this this time next week,we --------------(return) from our lovely holiday.

1. will visit
2. will be dozing
3.Will, be seeing
4. will not be, will get
5. will be returning

  • 2
  1. will visit

  • 0
  1.   will visit
  2.  will be dozing
  3.  will see
  4. will not able
  5. have to get​will return
  • 0
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