You are Faiz/Falak Mazumdar living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla.
You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on
their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more
than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home

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Falak Mazumdar requests your cordial presence at the dinner on the auspicious occasion of 'Golden Wedding Anniversary' of her grandparents on Saturday, 9th of March, 2019 at 7 pm at her residence in 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla R.S.V.P. Falak Mazumdar 39, Udampur Colony 9840900987
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Faiz Mazumdar requests your cordial presence at the dinner on the auspicious occasion of 'Golden Wedding Anniversary' of his grandparents on Saturday, 9th of March, 2019 at 7 pm at his residence in 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla R.S.V.P. Faiz Mazumdar 39, Udampur Colony 9840987654
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